Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange during service may be eligible for a variety of VA benefits,   including a health exam, health care, and disability compensation for resulting diseases. However, even though the herbicide wounds and scars its victims by causing ailments and discomfort that last a lifetime, there is no official military decoration for those who've been exposed to it.
A group of hardworking Vietnam Veterans and Agent Orange survivors in Hinesville, Georgia, wants to change that. Just as military members who are wounded or killed while serving receive a Purple Heart, the Agent Orange Medal committee would like to see all those affected by Agent Orange be awarded a commendation.

The group has submitted their proposal to Congress in hopes the Legislative Branch will understand and recognize the serious sacrifices and hardships Agent Orange victims have had to contend with for decades. In the meantime, they're starting a registry to pay tribute to Agent Orange survivors from around the world. 
Individuals can list themselves or a loved one on the registry. A list of members will be posted on this website as they await official recognition in the form of an Agent Orange Medal from the United States Military. Anyone who is interested in making a donation is welcome to do so, and all proceeds generated by membership benefit the creation of the Veterans Memorial Walk in Hinesville. 

For an Agent Orange Medal registry application, please click here.

James Paul Adams William D. Gonzales Kelly Stevens Norton
Banjoko Adetola Oscar G. Gonzalez Patrick M. O'Brien
Gordon L. Aleshire Gerald T. Gray John Stanley Olson Sr.
James Roger Alto Terry L. Griffith James J. O'Neil
Ronald E. Ballenger Robert Grunenwald Dennis Patrick O'Rouke
Steve Ray Barrett Gary H. Hackworth Eugene G. Osero
David E. Bedard John A. Hakola Jack Gordon Perry
Fernando Beltran James B. Hall David Peterson
Francisco Beltran Terry Lee Harper Larry Don Phelps
Roger J. Bennett Allan A. Hartman Gregory W. Phillips, Jr.
Jackson Earl Benson Donald H. Hastings Charles Ellis Pinkham
William Danny Blackburn Richard C. Hearn Lloyd Dale Pitts
Roger Blackman William David Heisinger Donald E. Potter
Willie Blackmon Charles Frederick Hewitt Edward Preston
Robert F. Blair George E. Hijar Tim W. Price
Jimmy Weldon Bradley Lawrence J. Hill Douglas Pryor
Thomas E. Breen George W. Holtzman Thomas Rahn
Carl Eugene Brewer Phillip R. Horn Glenn Allen Raney
Roger R. Bridges Michael Richard Hostick Dexter "Dick" Ratliff
Greg Brown Ronald L. Hudson Max Recod
Gregory J. Brown Thomas R. Huene Arden E. Reeves
Charles V. Browning Peter James Hundahl Mike Regrut
Kenneth A. Bruce Henry R. Huthmacher Michael A. Robbins Sr.
Patrick L. Burgess Abdon Ibarra Jr. Albert H. Robinson Jr.
James Bushong Phillip L. Inman Ronnie L. Robinson
Laurence J. Bussin Richard A. Jennings Robert E. Rondeau
George Nichols Cagle Dennis M. Johnson David L. Ruble
Johnny Caldwell Donald W. Johnson Dennis K. Ryan
Raymond J. Carbonari Gerald E. Jones James Floyd Rybolt
Daniel A. Carbonaro Joe Manuel Jones John C. Salley
Roland C. Castaner Steven Harold Kelch Victor M. Sartoresi
Bruce S. Cavanaugh Larry O. Kennedy Terry Schaefer
Natalio Charneco Jr. Robert Mike Kidder Michael T. Schmitt
James E. Collins Michael Kinas Dennis F. Schwartz
Newton A. Collyar Larry James Kingsbury John R. Scott
David Earl Conner Ray A. Kivler Ronald Wayne Scott
Donald Dean Coons Michael Kravec Thomas A. Scott, Jr.
George P. Coppola Robert J. Krebs, Jr. Orvil Thomas Shaw Jr.
Knute E. Cover Alan E. Kunzman Clifton Henry Shedd
Gary C. Cox Frank Lagos James Robert Short
John David Cox John Lee Lansford Charles Shurtelff Jr.
Lester Crabtree Roy E. Leach Charles Algie Slagle
Vonnie Edward Crites Robert Joseph Lent James L. Snowberger
Paul F. Cunningham Stephen Richard Lewis Raymond C. Stark
Larry A Daigle Thomas Henry Lindsey Thomas Stiefel
Donald R. Damuth Donal Len Lomax Gerald T. Svrcek
Paul Danielson Sherwood Love Donald Ross Tamburo
David J. Dargay Gerald Lynch William D. Tate
Harold E. Davenport Dennis R. Lynk Mark F. Tattenbaum
William F. Davison Lawrence W. Mace Thomas Tharp
Norman D. Decker Michael W. Mack Harold Thorton
Joseph W. Demers Richard Mandleur Nicholas Torreria III
Robert P. DiFazio Robert E. Manning Jr. Floyd Price Tuttle Jr.
Benjamin John Dominik Arlis Ray Marion Clyde Anthony Tyndall Jr.
Raymond F. Dowden Gerald L. Marques Dale L. Veach
Dennis Paul Drzewiecki David Martinez Gary C. Vennes
Val Duncan Thomas S. McBriarty Paul Raymond Vigil
Jario Rodriguez Echeverri Charles D. McBrideII Tommie Walker
William G. Elder Edward Dale McConnell Richard D. Walter
Denny Epperson Patrick James McEnnerney Bruce Wayne Wangsness
Cruz Espinoza Eugene E. McKibben Billy Ray Ward
Mike Everts Thomas R. McMahon Phillip I. Watts
Albert J. Fanelli Ronald L. Meleco George R. Wedge
Kevin J. Farrell Jose A Mendez James Ernest Weeks Jr.
William Robert Femia Jr. Steven Dale Mentas William A. Wheeler
Richard Flynn Neil E. Merritt David Ernest White
Jerry W. Ford Sr. Bruce G. Messerly Andrew Williams Jr.
Cloid V. Fretwell Jr. Terry M. Mingo Paul B. Witherspoon
Ronald L. Gaines Robert E. Mitchell Charles Michael Wood
Stephan A. Gall Edward J. Mitchell III William E. Wood Jr.
Ernie Garcia Adrian Moore Jack L. Woods Jr.
Lester D. Garrett Andrew Moothart Michael Worden
Thomas J. Garvey Wellington Hamm Moy Wayne Wright
William (Bill) W. Gillespie Daniel Edward Murphy Robert L. Wyrick
Jordan A. Gmach Thomas R. Napierala Richard L. Yeakle
Lee E. Goldman Frank Santo Nigro David Alan Yoh